Our history
Aage Korschen met C. B. Norberg the hotelier in Malindi. He recommended Aage to go to Lamu as he didn’t have the money to buy the original house and Aage was looking for a project.
Aage & Wera Korschen first visit Lamu, fall in love with the island and soon after the move there with their young family; Lars, Hanne & Nils.
Peponi Hotel is opened as a 4 room guest house.

Annual New Years dhow race is started by Lars, a tradition that continues to this day.
The Old Pal is born, created by Lars, Gerald and Charles.
Carol joins the team.
Hotel grows to 25 rooms, the additional rooms along the seafront, also designed by Lars. These rooms also provide the rooftop for lunches until the shade of the Balanites.

The pool is designed by Lars and constructed nestled amongst the baobabs.
Wera makes her final journey to join Lemmy.
Hannes son and Lars’ nephew Ray joins the team to transform the Peponi restaurant and expand our kitchen.

The apartments, room 26-30, are add behind the pool area, designed by Lars, Reggie & Erwie
Elke joins Carol to help run the hotel.
Lars joins his parents among the stars.
Carol decided to covert the lounge area into the private dining room.
Rooftop and Jahazi bar added, designed by Carol & Elke.
Due to popular demand Peponi expands from 4 to 12 rooms, each costing 45 Ksh per night.
Aage passes away and soon after Lars comes to help Wera run the hotel.
New rooms are added to Peponi, all designed by Lars, the hotel now has 20 rooms of two types; Superior and Standard
Lars and Carol marry and their first daughter Elke is born.
Kaila is born to complete the family and Carol starts a turtle protection project, which later grows into the Lamu Marine Conservation Trust
City square school is started for the kids and their friends primary schooling.